Prioritizing Worship and Servi

     Hebrews 10:25 encourages disciples to be mindful "not forsaking the assembly of yourselves together, as the manner of some is..."  However, in our attempt to make Christianity compatible with the modern schedule and making Church attendance convienient for casual attendees, preachers and teachers have minimized the importance both of regular attendance at worship and consistent, dedicated service to the Lord. 
     But the Holy Spirit, through the inspiration of Scripture, is clear in revealing that the emphasis of our lives when we are in Christ should not be our personal comfort or success, but our emphasis should be the advance of the life-changing gospel that brings men and women back into right relationship with God and the worship of God who loves humankind enough to prepare a comfortable and prosperous Eternity.
     So the next time that you are faced with the decision whether you should worship and serve God or relax and/or prosper your situation, think about the fact that you belong to God through Christ, and your life is to be lived for His glory.  The end of Hebrews 10:25 states that we should assemble "so much the more as you see the day approaching."